WJHS Alumni Stories

Muskrat Marty

Most sophomores learn basic anatomy by dissecting pickled frogs and stinky earthworms. I recall classmate Marty Vadnais supplying our biology class with skinned muskrats. Marty trapped them for their furs. We checked out the internal organs, then stripped the carcasses of all meat. It seems we used bleach to clean up the bones, then reconstructed the skeletons in a standing position on a piece of board. They looked a lot like the plastic critters you get at Walmart for Halloween. I think my mom threw mine out when I wasn’t looking, because they did have a stench to them. Anybody still have skeletons in their closet?  It seems our teacher was Mr. Shawl. 

Biology Class
October 17, 2022
October 17, 2022