The football team went to the state A-3 playoffs and got 2nd place.
Volleyball was a first for girls sports at WJHS (even though many years prior girls played unofficially at the Roberts and West Jefferson high schools.)
Kari Woods was the Peppy Panther.
The arcade game Space Invaders was released and became so popular that by mid-1981 machines had grossed more than one billion dollars.
The Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS) was launched. (Later in 2000, President Clinton granted nonmilitary users access to the unscrambled GPS signal.)
Top Song was Night Fever by The Bee Gees
Top grossing movies included Grease, National Lampoon's Animal House and Jaws 2
Ben and Jerry opened their first ice cream parlor in Burlington, Vermont
The first test tube baby, Louis Brown was born
The Maryland state legislature considered a bill that would have made it illegal to play the song Short People on the radio. It didn't pass.